
PLATFORM : Exaggerated Image

<i> GREGORY NAIMAN, former president of the Assn. of Graduate Business Students at USC, is an advocate of student volunteerism. He commented on the image of students pursuing MBA degrees:</i>

MBA students are not perceived as being particularly sensitive to the needs of their community. We have tended to be very focused on getting that MBA degree and getting out into business. We have probably placed too much emphasis on career . . . but that image has been exaggerated.

We are beginning to let people know that we care. Close to 500 MBA students at USC donated time and money to community causes in 1989 and 1990. That number is close to the entire number enrolled on a full-time basis.

We recently raised $1,700 for the homeless. We’ve done work with Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Some students did personal finance for the rehabilitated homeless, lending advice on financial matters to people trying to put their lives back together.


MBA students are getting more involved in communities surrounding their schools. As future business leaders, it’s incumbent upon us to be leaders of our community as well.
