
GAIN Students, Staff Reply to Article

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The total disregard for anything positive was distressing to the majority of students at the school.

I, myself, was distressed by this because I see the positive every day. I am an instructional aide with the Oxnard Adult School and have been employed at the GAIN School for two years. Prior to this job I had been on and off of welfare at different times for the past four years. I was not made to attend classes at GAIN because I was employed most of the time, but I can relate to the students and sympathize with their point of view.

It is not fair to create such a narrow view of the GAIN students. The majority work very hard and have many successes. The article seemed, judging from the title, to be about the whole school, which in fact it was not. Mr. Reynolds did not interview the entire staff or the students.


He didn’t speak with me, and I run the computer lab. The lab is a place where you see the students make strides. They learn to use the many programs including typing, word processing and, more importantly, for some to overcome a fear of technology. Most have never been close to a computer and soon they are mastering a program such as Wordperfect 4.2.

Needless to say, I could go on and on about the students here at the GAIN School. I enjoy working with them; their successes I share as well as their shortcomings. I hope that in the future perhaps I will read an article in your newspaper about their successes.


