
Jamaican’s Abduction Baffles Police : Crime: He was plucked off a street by two gunmen. ‘We need some help,’ an investigator says.

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Police were puzzled when they learned of the abduction of a Jamaican man in early June by two gun-toting kidnapers on a residential street in the Crenshaw district.

Now they are downright stumped.

It has been seven weeks since Alton George Gordon was forced into the back seat of a sedan. Officers say they have exhausted all clues and are asking the public for help in finding the 34-year-old immigrant.

Gordon, of Long Beach, who arrived in the United States a year ago and applied for amnesty, frequented nightclubs in the Hyde Park and Crenshaw areas and enjoyed Hollywood Park race track, police said.


But detectives say they know little else about Gordon, the motivation for the June 10 abduction or the identity of the kidnapers, described by a witness as two Jamaican men in their 30s or early 40s, one of whom may go by the first name of “Olgy.”

“We need some help,” Police Lt. Larry Hinrichs said. “We need some clues.”

The kidnaping took place in broad daylight on a sunny Sunday afternoon as Gordon was walking with a friend to the home of another acquaintance, Hinrichs said. The pair had just returned from an outing at the race track when a dark blue Toyota sedan pulled up and one of the kidnapers ordered Gordon into the car at gunpoint, police said.

Gordon wore a beige short-sleeve shirt, white pants, brown dress shoes and a gold wristwatch. He is 5-foot-2, weighs 145 pounds and speaks with a distinct Jamaican accent, police said.


Since coming to this country, Gordon had remained unemployed and officers are unsure how he made ends meet, Hinrichs said, adding that “everything he has is borrowed.” Gordon lived in a cramped, unadorned apartment in Long Beach, but spent much time in the Jamaican community in Central Los Angeles, Hinrichs said.

Gordon had no run-ins with the law, but Hinrinchs said he has a “hunch” that the abduction may have some connection to drugs. While Jamaican drug gangs, known as “posses,” have been a marketing force in the sale of crack cocaine in several U.S. cities, Los Angeles police have not unearthed anything linking Gordon’s kidnaping to such groups, she said.

Hinrichs said Gordon apparently knew at least one of the abductors. The friend who witnessed the kidnaping told police he was with Gordon at a bar about a month earlier when they met the man known as Olgy, Hinrichs said.
