
Album Reviews : ** THE LEADERS “Unforeseen Blessings” <i> Black Saint</i> : <i> Albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor) to five (a classic). : </i>


“Unforeseen Session” is more like it. Only five of the 13 selections sport the Leaders’ full sextet line-up--the remainder are solo piano pieces by Kirk Lightsey, brief percussion interludes and what sound like blueprints for future compositions. Some of the latter are valid as sketches--the trumpet/bass clarinet/bass trio “Wait a Minute” could be an arresting introduction possibility--but not as full-fledged pieces. The sextet pieces are workmanlike but undistinguished and the Lester Bowie-ized version of “Blueberry Hill” finds Arthur Blythe introducing the band members as if they were performing to a live audience. Mystifying.
