
Tower Approval--Back-Scratching Deal


How interesting the fiasco surrounding the three radio towers approved for the Santa Ana Mountains (Aug. 16). What we have here is the classic “back-scratching issue” in that Roger Stanton, despite his personal convictions, has voted in favor of the installation.

Stanton says this was prompted because of his close association with Gaddi Vasquez, who also supported the towers. Much like the savings and loan debacle, this has all the earmarks of favoritism on behalf of the Daniel Villanueva Jr. family who just happens to own the Orange County Broadcasting Co. and who shall benefit solely from the placement of the towers.

Tom Mathews, of course, represents the typical Orange County politician. When he was asked by Stanton if he had considered whether public benefits from this tower project were enough to override the concerns of property owners, Mathews responded, “To my knowledge, that was not considered.”


My sympathy goes out to property owners whose complaints were summarily dismissed.

Unfortunately, these are just a few of the politicians elected by the voters who just might be receiving what they deserve.


