
The Region : Transit Store Set to Open


If you want to buy a bus pass, find out how to travel from the San Gabriel Valley to the San Fernando Valley, sign up for a Pomona-Pasadena van pool or even purchase transit souvenirs, a trip to the Indian Hill Mall in Pomona may be in order.

The Transit Store, sponsored by the Pomona Valley Transportation Authority, is scheduled to open Friday at the mall, 1460 E. Holt Ave. “What we really want to do is interest people in . . . alternatives to using cars,” said George L. Sparks, transportation authority administrator.

The store, open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Sunday, is financed by a $77,000 grant from the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission. The store’s information line, providing details about mass transit throughout Southern California, is (714) 622-8686.
