
There Is Still a Wide Gulf Between Anaheim and Rest of Baseball


It doesn’t take a consummate sports fan to notice the difference between the Angels and Dodgers. A visit to the ballpark in which each team plays will amply demonstrate how much classier the Dodger operation is.

But perhaps nothing illustrates the difference between the teams’ operations more than the nightly giveaways at each stadium this season. At Dodger Stadium, the Dodgers are handing out five free trips on Delta Airlines. At Anaheim Stadium, the Angels are giving away a pair of binoculars to their alleged “fan of the day.”

As if that wasn’t laughable enough, the Angels’ “fan of the day” on Aug. 27 was none other than the owner of the team, Gene Autry. Now there’s a man who really needs a free pair of binoculars, especially when that pair could have been given to one of the 23,915 paying people at the game that night, people who really are fans and who perhaps need psychiatric help more than binoculars for continuing to support Autry’s teams.



