
‘Resistance to Gay Cops’


Your article (Metro, Sept. 2) regarding diversification in the Los Angeles Police Department concluded correctly, I believe, that the tone of the department has remained the same despite the hiring of minorities and female police officers. The American Civil Liberties Union continues to receive far more complaints regarding police abuse of individuals than on any other subject.

The reason the department has remained unchanged is simple. The attitudes of the rank-and-file officers reflect the attitudes of their leaders. In order to make the members of the department more sensitive to the rights of the people of the community, more is needed than hiring women and members of minority groups. What is needed is a change in the leadership. It is time for more enlightened, more sophisticated and a more open-minded approach to problems of law enforcement. The critical task of fighting crime will benefit rather than suffer as a result.

It is important to remember that minorities and women were recruited into the department because Chief Gates was compelled to do so by court order. The same resistant attitude toward diversification is currently reflected in the chief’s stubborn opposition to the recruitment of gay and lesbian officers.



Executive Director

ACLU of Southern California
