
What a Gas


You got your drug abuse. You got what you call your “civil unrest.” You got all kinds of pollution, and now they say this Saddam Whoosis is gonna make us run out of gas again. A working guy sweats all week long just to get to Sunday, and then all you can do is sit around and worry about all this stuff you can’t control.

But last Sunday was different. Me and a bunch of other like-minded individuals got together to pop open some brews, light a few smokes and get rowdy watchin’ a few red-blooded American males roar around Mission Bay, churnin’ up that water and makin’ tons of smog out of a couple thousand barrels of crude. We had a hell of a time.

Thank the Good Lord for thunderboat races, and for all our boys over there in Saudi Arabia, ready to die to preserve our way of life.


Where would we be without them?


San Diego
