
Sierra Madre : Water Purchase Approved

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Faced with a rapidly shrinking water supply, the City Council on Tuesday authorized purchase of additional water from the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District.

As of June 30, the city had pumped 532 acre-feet of water more than usual from its primary source, the Raymond Basin Water Table, City Manager James McRea said.

Given the current projection of another year of drought, the city will have to buy another 500 acre-feet of water for the 1990-91 fiscal year, McRea said. Unlike other area cities, Sierra Madre normally does not buy water from outside sources.


Since June, the city has enacted a voluntary conservation program to reduce consumption by 10%. But if dry conditions persist, the city may adopt a mandatory conservation program, Mayor George Maurer has said.

Free water conservation kits and a list of conservation tips are available at City Hall, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
