
Boyarsky’s Magnolia Column Criticized


Bill Boyarsky’s recent column presents a very one-sided view of a city effort that is just now reaching a point where big things could happen.

I am the business person who paid for the bus bench slogan, “Look Out Melrose! Magnolia Boulevard Is Soon to Arrive.” As a 20-year resident of North Hollywood, I put the slogan on the bench to inspire others to see beyond yesterday. I am converting a rundown coffeehouse on Magnolia into an upscale eatery precisely because the city, with CRA as the operating arm, is bringing lasting improvements to the area.

I am hopeful that other business people have the vision to join with the CRA in the improvement effort by digging deeply into their own pockets. One does not expect this of the purveyor of $1.85 tires or the operator of the three second-hand clothing stores Boyarsky mentions.


I am a member of the Universal City-North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce plus a member of the Boyarsky-maligned Project Area Committee.

Leaving Magnolia alone, Boyarsky’s prescription, would discourage me and the efforts of others.


North Hollywood
