


These are the candidates running for three seats on the Brea City Council. Councilman Gene A. Layton did not file for reelection.

Clarice A. Blamer

Age: 68

Occupation: Incumbent/ retired teacher.

Background: Has served on council for eight years. Was mayor for 18 months. Serves on the Orange County Transportation Commission, the county Congestion Management Plan Committee and the AQMD’s Air Quality Plan Implementing Committee. Taught math and biology for 26 years in the Fullerton Union High School District.

Issues: Completion of downtown revitalization; housing for all income levels; improvement in the regional transportation network.


Burnie Dunlap

Age: 47

Occupation: Businessman

Background: Brea Rotary Club director; past president of Sister Cities Assn. and Brea-Olinda High School football boosters; member of Downtown Charette; coached soccer, softball and Little League baseball; graduate degree in management and human behavior.

Issues: Protect family ideals that make Brea unique while providing a foundation of economic health; tap power and potential of people of Brea for mutual good of the community; ensure that land use conforms to and enhances community values.

Carrey J. Nelson

Age: 63

Occupation: Incumbent/ retired Navy officer and business manager.

Background: Has spent 10 years on council; was a member of the Parks and Recreation Planning Committee for the Year 2000; serves on the Southern California Water Committee; is chairman of the county League of Cities Water Resource Committee; is a member of the North Orange County Transportation Committee.

Issues: Completion of downtown revitalization; providing adequate housing; reducing traffic by encouraging car-pools; water conservation and locating new sources of water.

Glen Parker

Age: 37

Occupation: Businessman

Background: Member of the North Hills Homeowners Assn.; co-chairman of the Brea Project; member of Downtown Charette, Community Center Now and Exchange Club.

Issues: Parks, recreation and open space preservation and expansion; completion of downtown revitalization, strong growth management and meaningful citizen communication and participation in city government.
