
Hussein’s Message to Americans

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In response to Robert E. Hunter’s “Capital in High Fever for ‘Low-Cost’ War” (Commentary, Sept. 26):

Hunter goes on and on about what the U.S. should not be doing in the gulf, yet he gives no realistic alternatives on how to accomplish what are widely perceived to be U.S. goals in the region.

He does, however, raise some interesting questions about U.S. will. It is no coincidence that Iraq’s information minister pointed out that “Iraq is willing to sacrifice over 100,000 men for this cause.” He then went on to ask “is the United States willing to sacrifice 100,000 U.S. lives for this cause?” Good question. Are we? The Iraqis obviously don’t think so!


Why should Hussein withdraw if he does not feel that the United States has the stomach to pay the price that is necessary to force his withdrawal? We must clearly convey to Hussein that we are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes! Finally, if he does not withdraw by a preset date, we must begin backing our conviction with action, or pack up and get out of there.


Laguna Beach
