
Concerned Parents


San Diego school officials have stated that they have no intention of adopting Project 10. Yet, these same people are employing Virginia Uribe, a lesbian who founded Project 10, to hold seminars for teachers (“Workshop on Gay Pupils Draws Protest,” Sept. 25).

Teachers will be “taught” how to deal with homosexual students and how to turn the classroom into a more comfortable environment for these kids. I wonder if they will also protect the fat kid from name calling, or better yet, offer him an alternate lifestyle.

It is an outrage that concerned parents were not allowed into the session. We no longer have a right to know what our children are being taught. If the militant homosexuals had staged a protest outside the school instead of the parents, they would have been allowed into the session in a heartbeat.


The time has come to stand firm for what is right. Homosexuality is wrong and should not be taught in the schools as an alternate lifestyle.

I urge all parents to find out what their children are being taught and to become active participants in matters relating to their children’s education. Please don’t wait until tomorrow. It will be too late.

