
Views on Fryman Canyon


I was shocked and saddened to read the rather vituperative letter from Mr. George Calonyannidies opposing the public purchase of Fryman Canyon. Mr. Calonyannidies’ comments betray that he has never visited the canyon. He also has evidently not been reading reports in The Times very carefully, as he made several factual errors.

The 32-acre portion of the property which was to have been dedicated to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy is in litigation, as the open-space land was never transferred to the conservancy, though purchase of the entire property will no doubt supersede litigation.

And it is in fact the remaining “not particularly exciting” 31 acres which are of the greatest “scenic value,” crucial to the ecosystem of the canyon. The entire canyon must be preserved as a whole in order to maintain both its scenic beauty and its value as a wildlife sanctuary.


As to the suggestion that land cleared to build a 12-foot-wide haul road could be “restored to its original condition,” that is patently ridiculous, as anyone familiar with delicate chaparral habitat would know.

Public purchase of Fryman Canyon is a win/win consensus solution, in which a developer, local politicians, state officials and the public have come together to preserve a valuable part of our natural heritage.

I can only suggest that Mr. Calonyannidies will feel differently if he takes the time to walk in Fryman Canyon and enjoy its rich wildlife and serene atmosphere on a dew-drenched morning or in a golden sunset.


Studio City
