
Senior Pro Baseball Assn. Opens Second Season Today

From Associated Press

The Senior Professional Baseball Assn., revamped if not necessarily revitalized, began its second season today.

The league for former major-leaguers age 35 and over was dubbed “The Boys of Fall” last year, but this year’s nickname could be “The Road Warriors.”

Where there were eight Florida teams last year, there now are four. The league “expanded” westward, with teams in Sun City, Ariz., and San Bernardino.


Founder and President Jim Morley said he does not consider his brainchild a laughingstock.

“I don’t think the nation is laughing at us, because they don’t know us,” Morley said. “And before you can laugh, you have to know the joke.”

Morley is not joking when he says he is optimistic after an inaugural season marred by missed paychecks, disappearing owners and revolving-door rosters.

Joining the league is Jim Rice, the former Boston Red Sox slugger. Some of the other familiar names include former Oakland A’s relief ace Rollie Fingers and Cincinnati slugger George Foster.
