
Minorities on Stage

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I heartily applaud Jan Breslauer’s Nov. 11 article, “Gotta Sing? Gotta Dance?,” about how “today’s African-American stage artists are still being kept down on the farm.” However, at least they’re represented by a “slew” of shows; Asian-American stage artists, alas, remain invisible.

The number of primary Asian-American theaters in this country can be counted on four fingers. I know because I just had my first play (“Whiskey Chicken”) produced in January by the Asian American Theater Company in San Francisco.

Happily, the show got wonderful reviews, notice in national columns and became the biggest moneymaker in that theater’s 17-year history.


So what happened to it? Nothing. I’m still trying to get an agent.

Sadly, plays by writers whose skin color happens to be yellow (or red or black) still aren’t considered good risks to make any green.


New York
