
‘Bold and Beautiful’ Stars Are a Real ‘Cinderella’ Pair

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Jeff Trachta ( speaking about his “The Bold and the Beautiful” co-star, Bobbie Eakes) : “We met about a year ago. I spilled a drink on her. We were married Oct. 19--we sang at our own wedding. I play Bold and she plays Beautiful.”

Bobbie Eakes ( to Jeff, affectionately) : “You’re using all your material, honey.”

They sure sound married, but they’re not married--not in real life, anyway. On the CBS daytime drama, Trachta and Eakes play wealthy loving couple Thorne and Macy Forrester. And they’re about to step into the roles of handsome prince and fair maiden in the Los Angeles Civic Light Opera production of “Cinderella,” opening Wednesday at the Pantages Theatre. But off-camera and off-stage, they’re just great friends.

Jeff ( joking ): “Although we sleep together from time to time. Don’t write that.”

Bobbie: “Jeff and I really hit it off. We’ve spent a lot of time inside the studio, and we’ve put shows together outside of work. . . .”


Jeff ( interrupting ): “We have a comedy act that we do. . . .”

Bobbie: “I play straight man.”

Jeff: “. . . wanna hear it?” ( launches into a string of voice impressions )

It’s not surprising, really, that the two can finish each other’s sentences. Between long hours at “The Bold and the Beautiful” and an intense rehearsal schedule for “Cinderella,” not to mention their friendship. . . .

Jeff ( interrupting ): “Yesterday, I had to pick her up for rehearsal because her car broke down.”

. . . it’s a wonder they’re not glued together at the hip.

Bobbie: “People do wonder about us. For a long time, my mother kept asking me about Jeff. She thinks he’s, like, this rich, young millionaire. . . .”

Jeff: “. . . but in reality, I have this little dump in Burbank.”
