
COUNTYWIDE : United Way Pledges Reach 67% of Goal

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Pledges for United Way of Orange County have exceeded $15 million with just over six weeks remaining in the 1990 fund-raising campaign, officials reported Wednesday.

The pledge total represents about 67% of the $22.5-million goal, said United Way spokesman Jeff Rocke.

“We feel real good about the pace of the campaign and how it is functioning in the current economic environment,” Rocke noted.


The 1990 goal is a 9% increase over last year’s pledge total, a record-setting $20.6 million. The 1989 campaign ended four consecutive years in which the local agency had failed to meet its fund-raising goal.

Despite last year’s success, county-based corporations have traditionally contributed far less per capita than those in comparable urban areas.

To help offset the trend, the local agency this year began a new program that allows donors unlimited choice in directing where their contributions are spent. The donor-choice program allows donors to target their contributions to specific agencies or to special issues--such as homelessness and drug abuse.


Although no figures were available on use of the donor-directed option, United Way officials said early indications are that program is proving a big success.
