
Comedian Is Also Host of Game Show : Performer: Jordan Brady, who will appear at the Laff Stop on Monday, frequently puts his experiences on MTV’s “Turn It Up” to humorous use in his act.

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As host of “Turn It Up,” MTV’s fast-paced rock ‘n’ roll game show, comedian Jordan Brady dishes up what he calls a “veritable potpourri” of music trivia questions, complete with video clips and songs from a live house band.

Brady taped 65 episodes of the show, which airs at midnight Monday through Thursday, during marathon taping sessions last June.

And how good at music trivia is the young man with all the answers?

“I’m terrible at it,” admits Brady, who will appear at the Laff Stop in Newport Beach on Monday.


In fact, while performing on college campuses this fall, Brady was somewhat irked by all the college students who would approach him after his show and ask him if he remembered some obscure album from the ‘60s.

“They expect me to know the trivia,” he says. “Like you go up to Alex Trebek and ask him the formula for powdered milk.”

Brady, who is also establishing a successful career as an actor, says he had a lot of fun doing the show. But being a game show host was never one of his career objectives. In fact, he says, one argument against hosting a game show was that it would actually hurt his career. He doesn’t believe that.


As he sees it, “it was a chance to show that I can think on my feet and handle running a show. Basically, I ran the show: I asked the questions, controlled when the band did this and that and gave away cars like Elvis.”

Naturally, Brady taps that experience in his act.

Here he was, he says, “25 years old and I was a game show host. Career-wise, what’s next? The Home Shopping Network’s going to give me my own electronics hour?”

Brady notes that not everyone who watches “Turn It Up” is a fan. He received a hate letter from one girl after he made some “nasty remarks” about the New Kids on the Block.


“She told me, ‘The New Kids are more smarter and have more class in their pinkie toe than you have in your whole body.’

“And you know,” he says with mock sincerity, “that hurts.”

Brady describes his comedy act as “pretty free-form. I go from one topic to the next, and I love to deal with the immediate environment, the audience.”

He also likes to deal with current events. He’s still amazed “by the downfall of the Communist regime in the Soviet Union. I noticed it was one week after the first McDonald’s opened in Moscow. Coincidence? Or special sauce?”

Along with the Brady brand of comedy, the audience for his Monday night show is in for a little something extra: At the end of his set, don’t be surprised if he’s reunited with his former singing partner, Wayne Federman.

You remember Brady & Federman from the late ‘80s--the singing duo that had “10 platinum albums in nine months.”

It is, of course, a gag.

Brady and fellow stand-up comic Federman first did the reunited singing-duo bit at the Ice House in October, 1989. Although they are pursuing separate careers, Brady says, he and Federman repeated the routine several times in L.A. comedy clubs and in October they worked together in Hawaii. The routine has been going over so well, in fact, that they were recently asked to showcase for Paramount.


As expected from singing superstars of their caliber, Brady and Federman do only original songs.

“We don’t believe in cover songs,” Brady says. “We were covered. Bruce Springsteen wanted to cover one of our songs back before he was the Boss.”

Brady can’t believe how well it’s going for him and Federman.

“There’s talk,” he says, “of a reunion album.”

* Jordan Brady will perform at 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Laff Stop, 2122 S.E. Bristol St., Newport Beach. Tickets: $10. Information: (714) 852-8762.
