
THOUSAND OAKS : 4 Newcomers Will Join Planning Board

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The Thousand Oaks City Council has unanimously chosen four new planning commissioners out of a field of 54 candidates who applied for the positions.

The appointees to the five-member planning board are: Marilyn Carpenter, 55, a former Ventura County planning commissioner; Forrest Frields, 48, a member of the citizen’s traffic committee; Mervyn Kopp, 56, a mortgage broker with Camden Financial Services; and Irv Wasserman, 69, former president of the Thousand Oaks Council on Aging.

It is the first time in the city’s 26-year history that a majority of the commission is made up of newcomers. Commissioner Andrew Fox has one year of experience on the planning board.


The four new appointees will replace outgoing commissioners Charles Vining, Frank Nekimken and Susan Witting as well as Judy Lazar, who resigned from her post after being elected to the City Council on Nov. 6.
