
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Street Resurfacing Projects Announced

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The city has announced plans for about $1.7 million in resurfacing projects on key transportation arteries in the city next year.

Work is scheduled for parts of Lake Street, Newland Street and Warner Avenue.

All of the projects are part of the Orange County Arterial Highway Financing Program, which calls for the county to contribute about half of the cost.

The projects were unanimously approved by the City Council at its Dec. 17 meeting. The streets and their costs:


* Lake Street between Pacific Coast Highway and Utica Avenue. City’s share of the cost, $362,680; county share, $348,920.

* Newland Street between Warner Avenue and Heil Street. City’s share, $132,607; county’s share, $127,017.

* Warner Avenue between Gothard Street and Beach Boulevard. City’s share, $217,337; county’s share, $207,662.


* Warner Avenue between Edgewater Lane and Pacific Coast Highway. City’s share, $157,020; county’s share, $153,580.
