
The learning disabled, by definition, have a...

Associated Press

The learning disabled, by definition, have a hard time finding any type of college.

“One in every 10 school-age students is diagnosed with a learning disability,” said Midge Lipkin, a Boston-based educator of such children for over 30 years. “Most secondary schools offer specialized programs for these students. But the students get frustrated searching for a college that will accommodate their deficits.”

Lipkin has written “The Schoolsearch Guide to Colleges with Programs for Students With Learning Disabilities.” Her 700-page volume lists 600 colleges and universities nationwide and profiles their services.

For anyone with dyslexia, minimal brain dysfunction or perceptual handicaps, this resource can help a student attain his or her dream of a higher education.


To order, send $29.95 plus $3 shipping and handling to Schoolsearch Press, 127 Marsh St., Belmont, Mass. 02178. Or call (617) 489-5785.
