
Countywide : College Panel Looks at Censure Policy

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The Ventura County Community College District board will consider adopting a policy Tuesday dealing with censuring trustees.

Board President Timothy Hirschberg said board members were frustrated last summer because they lacked the procedures for taking a stand when allegations were made against Trustee James T. (Tom) Ely.

Ely was charged last summer with embezzlement, fraud and conspiracy in connection with the filing of travel claims with the district. He is awaiting trial in Ventura County Superior Court.


Hirschberg said the lack of procedures left the public with the erroneous impression that the board saw nothing wrong or that members didn’t care.

If the proposed policy is approved, it would be for situations that might arise in the future, he said, and probably wouldn’t be used to censure Ely.

The policy calls for a complaint of trustee misconduct to be investigated by an ad-hoc committee of two trustees before the board would vote on censure, an official expression of disapproval.


On Tuesday, the board will also consider tightening travel procedures. And it may rescind an earlier order limiting use of credit cards and fax machines by board members.
