
Peaceniks’ About-Face Is No Real Surprise

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I was born in 1961 in the long shadow of the “hippie” generation. For years, I’ve been regaled with tales of their altruistic, world-shaking movements during the ‘60s. At every turn, this generation subjected the rest of us to their retrospects, which were usually laced with barbs toward other generations, such as mine, about our lack of caring, our selfishness.

This because their generation protested against an “unfair” war and tried to save the world. But now another war comes along--one where their butts aren’t on the line--and they in overwhelming numbers are suddenly for war.

Now we can finally see what those flower children were really about. Their motives weren’t altruistic. As long as their blood won’t be spilled, they can sit back in their yuppified glory and cheer from their soft chairs (while) drinking designer water as a different generation sheds the crimson.



Redondo Beach
