
PLATFORM : World Didn’t Listen

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<i> SERMID AL-SARRAF is a spokesman for the Orange County-based American Iraqis for Peace and Justice, an organization that opposes Saddam Hussein and the Gulf War. He told The Times:</i>

The people of Iraq have been trying to get rid of Saddam Hussein for the past 12 years. The people of Iraq have been trying to call the world’s attention to the atrocities that Saddam Hussein has committed against his own people. The world chose not to listen--in fact they continued to support him. The policy of supporting the dictator and then the policy of going to war with Iraq are policies that have severely hurt the Iraqi people.

I’m was opposed to the invasion of Kuwait as were the Iraqi people. Although we hear the lip service of President Bush saying that we want the Iraqi people and the (Iraqi) military to overthrow (Saddam), what he disregards is that bombs are falling on Baghdad. Does he want people to dodge bombs en route to overthrowing Saddam Hussein?

Saddam Hussein calculatedly camouflages civilian areas as military areas or vice versa. Everyone seems to understand this, but people don’t seem to be sensitive to that. They understand that he is not concerned about casualties. He’s not concerned about the lives of his people. Unfortunately, the allies have been willing to play into that game. And they’ve inflicted severe casualties on civilians. No matter their best intentions, they have inflicted a toll on Iraqi people. At the same time, they expect the Iraqi people to forgive them.
