
SPECIAL REPORT: WITNESS TO WAR : Memoirs From the Battle Front, the Diplomatic Front and the Home Front : Beyond the Line in the Sand

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To most Americans, all’s well that ends well. Support for the President has hit 90% in the polls, making George Bush the most popular U.S. President ever--more popular, even, than Harry S. Truman at the end of World War II.

From an American point of view, this war turned out to have most everything going for it. Its outcome was unequivocal, its technology awesome, its strategy brilliant. Good and evil never traded uniforms to confuse people.

Even the soldiers who fought it saw another side, however. They winced at the death and destruction rained on a large but clearly outgunned enemy force. Left behind in the Gulf are two countries in chaos, a region in a potentially dangerous state of flux.


Also lurking behind the current homecoming celebrations are unsolved domestic problems. America has yet to emerge from the muddy trench of its recession. When it does, there will still be millions of the sick to heal and the poor to feed. There will be cities to resurrect and waters to clean.

These are some of the problems that remain on this side of the line in the sand.
