
Westside : Traffic Slowdown Seen

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Motorists will find the going a bit slower on Sepulveda Boulevard between Centinela and Center Drive over the next three months due to construction of a sewer system.

The work is scheduled to begin March 22, and should be completed by the first week of July, according to city construction officials. One lane in each direction will be closed during construction. Work crews will be adding two large pipes to carry sewage from a Westside pumping plant, at Inglewood Boulevard and Juniette Street, to the city’s Hyperion treatment plant south of Los Angeles International Airport.

Officials say the project has been undertaken to accommodate the Westside’s growing population. Westside sewage now reaches the treatment plant through one set of pipes, originating at the local pump station. The additional piping will create a second artery for that sewage, construction officials say.
