
USC Hospital and Care for Poor


In response to “New Hospital Puts USC at Crossroads in Health Care,” May 13:

Thank heavens my well-insured and financially secure friends will not have to share hospital space with “masses of poor and uninsured people” now that USC is opening its USC University Hospital. While our lawmakers keep their collective backs turned on “socialized medicine,” (i.e., medicine for people) and our President’s “Thousand Points of Light” seem to number exactly that--one for each member of his millionaire’s club, the general health of the county is sinking fast.

Infant mortality, infectious diseases, mental illness, the list is endless and appalling when one considers that remedies are at hand. All it takes is money. Unfortunately, the hand with the check has already decided that what society needs now is separate and unequal health care. Just another example of this nation’s shoddy hypocrisy. Let’s hurry and pass a capital gains law to increase the gap among “we the people.”

