
More at Stake With Ballpark Than Sports


Re: “Ballpark’s Fate Is Up in the Air” by Duke Helfand (Times, June 13):

The Department of Airports has always exhibited a lack of concern for the local community in its decisions. This latest decision is part of a recent push to enhance revenue from LAX at the expense of nearby citizens.

Could it be that the city’s new LAX Master Plan (LA City Planning Department), the County Transportation Commission’s Congestion Management Plan, the revision of the Coastal Transportation Corridor Specific Plan and the reelection of Ruth Galanter have the Department of Airports running scared that their display of greed is coming to an end?

The encouraging of more private automobiles and no public transit into the airport is directly related to revenue to the Department of Airports, at the expense of traffic congestion and air pollution for all the rest of us.


This shortsighted type of public policy decision making must be curtailed if our civilization is to survive. More is at stake here than just sports activities for our youth, as important as this is.


