
Countywide : Hot Line Set Up to Help Curb Violence


A man who feels himself losing control during a fight with his wife or girlfriend now has a choice. Instead of striking out, he can reach for the telephone.

The Ventura County Coalition Against Household Violence has opened a 24-hour hot line at 656-4861 for men who need help managing their anger.

The need for a hot line became apparent in the groups the coalition runs for men arrested for family violence.


“We ask the men in our groups to leave the house and make a phone call. So now we are providing a place for them to call. If we support men in this way, we ultimately support women, because we’re trying to provide protection for women and children by providing an option for the man,” said Jamie Leigh, coalition director.

The coalition used a $5,000 grant from the Los Angeles Times to buy a telephone system that accommodates three crisis lines: the line for men who batter women; a hot line for battered women at 656-1111; and a Child Abuse Listening Line at 656-4810. All calls are handled anonymously.
