
Card Convention Hit by a Theft for Third Time


Sports-card thieves have hit for the third time this week, bringing dealers’ losses at a worldwide show to an estimated $650,000, authorities said Friday.

Reported among the missing--a hard-to-find Nolan Ryan card, a Wayne Gretzky and a batch of Rickey Hendersons.

“Obviously, the city is concerned about this,” said Anaheim city spokesman John Nicoletti. “It’s been a very successful show to this point . . . anything like this obviously does not reflect well.”


Nicoletti said authorities had no strong leads or suspects in the thefts.

The third theft, disclosed by authorities on Friday, totaled a reported $100,000 and came sometime after Monday evening at the Marriott Hotel, next to the convention site.

Also under investigation by police are two card thefts discovered Thursday.

Those thefts occurred in the convention hall, authorities said.
