
Alimony: A New York judge has ordered...

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Compiled by YEMI TOURE

Alimony: A New York judge has ordered fashion designer Mary McFadden, 53, who had a rocky two-year marriage to a man 30 years her junior, to pay her estranged husband more than she wanted but less than he wanted in temporary alimony. Joel David (Kohle) Yohannan, 23, will get $2,400 a month in Monday’s decision. He had sought $7,651 a month; she had sought to pay nothing. He had called her an aging alcoholic who liked kinky sex. She called him a “cheap toy boy” and a “flake.”

* Ailing: Thousands of people trek to Miami’s Metrozoo annually to see Natasha, a 320-pound tiger who is unusually friendly to visitors, but not for much longer: Natasha is dying of cancer. After vets saw she had trouble chewing, they discovered a fist-size tumor on the roof of her mouth. They operated but were unable to remove it all. “It’s spreading fast,” said a zoo vet.

* Rescue: The Yale Review, a prestigious 80-year-old literary journal plagued by financial problems, has found a temporary source of money and has a prize-winning poet as its new editor. J. D. McClatchy, the Review’s poetry editor for the last 10 years, will become editor Sept. 1. In the weekend announcement, Yale President Benno C. Schmidt Jr. did not identify the funding source. Robert Frost, Virginia Woolf, Eugene O’Neill and Leon Trotsky are among authors published in the quarterly.


* New Wheels: One day he was homeless. The next he was being squired around in a stretch limo. Duane Fisher, 30, was so poor he briefly lived in his car before arriving at Ohio Lottery headquarters in Cleveland in style Monday to claim nearly $7 million. He said he’ll give $500,000 to his former co-worker at an auto parts store: “We had an agreement that if one of us won over $5 million, the other would receive a half million.”
