
Debts, Political Wounds Linger for Galanter Foe

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In political life, election losses can have a nasty way of lingering.

It has been more than two months since Mary Lee Gray suffered a more than 2-1 defeat against Ruth Galanter in the contest for the 6th District seat on the Los Angeles City Council. That district includes Venice, Playa del Rey, Westchester and the Crenshaw District.

But campaign reports show that Gray is still paying for her defeat. Literally.

The onetime Los Angeles County supervisor’s aide had $17,700 in debts and just $8,300 in cash at the end of June, according to a report filed with the city clerk’s office last week. Gray, who left her job with Supervisor Deane Dana to become associate administrator of the county’s Long Beach Comprehensive Health Center, said this week in an interview that IOUs have continued to accumulate, so that her campaign has nothing left in the bank and still owes about $20,000.

The lingering deficit has also exposed, for the first time, Gray’s mid-campaign falling out with her campaign consultant, Harvey Englander.


Englander said this week that Gray has refused to pay $4,600 she owes him. Gray said she will pay, but accused Englander of abandoning her campaign.

Galanter, meanwhile, is safely ensconced in her second term with more than enough cash in her campaign fund, $18,200, to pay her outstanding debts of just $1,400, campaign reports show.

With heavy backing from developers, entertainers, professionals and union officials, Galanter outspent Gray by nearly 4 to 1. The councilwoman from Venice paid $411,000 to win, much of it on a flurry of glossy color mailers attacking Gray.


With her $114,900 in expenditures, Gray was left to a more rudimentary campaign featuring personal appearances by the candidate, lawn placards and simpler black-and-white brochures.

And Gray’s lack of money was apparent in the June runoff. Galanter was forced into a runoff when she drew 49% of the vote against six challengers in April. Gray faced Galanter in the June 4 runoff. Galanter carried the day with nearly 70% of the vote, winning all but six of the district’s 188 precincts.

Gray said this week that she does not want to dwell on the past campaign. But she said her chances were hurt badly by the lack of funds and Englander’s exodus as consultant less than a month before the April primary.


“The bottom line is, if you have money and you have incumbency, it is very difficult to overcome,” Gray said.

The former candidate could not conceal her displeasure with Englander, who, she said, told her just two weeks before the primary that he was leaving the campaign. “When he found out that we did not have the large Republican dollars that he thought we would, he quit the campaign, pure and simple,” Gray said. “Basically he said we didn’t have the resources.”

She said the Orange County-based consultant estimated that it would cost $200,000 to $300,000 to run an effective campaign.

“After dropping us, he found someone with more money and he went with him,” Gray said--a reference to the campaign Englander successfully engineered for Councilman Hal Bernson in the 12th District.

Englander said he had been out of Gray’s campaign for several weeks before joining Bernson.

The political consultant has run several successful Los Angeles City Council campaigns, including Michael Woo’s 1985 unseating of incumbent Councilwoman Peggy Stevenson. But he said he found himself unable to work with Gray. “She wasn’t listening to my advice, and the funds were not available to run the type of campaign I wanted to run,” he said.


The candidate and her handler also argued over fund raising. Gray had pledged to voters not to take money from developers with projects within the 6th District and also told reporters that she would not rely on donations from allies of her boss, Dana.

“She made a decision not to take developer money,” Englander said. “And I said, ‘That is great, if you can raise money elsewhere.’ When she couldn’t, I asked her to revisit her decision,” but Gray refused.
