
Mother Seeking a Transfer for Son Responds to Controversy

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Dianne Klein called me the other day to make sure we were OK. She was concerned because of the outcry and response of letters against us (“A Question of Bigotry or What’s Best for Our Children?” July 28). I replied that, in fact, we had received the opposite. We have received many calls from supportive parents and professionals and educators. Not one negative one. We had responses from parents who had gone through the same situation. They called us to express sympathy, to tell us how they were successful in obtaining their transfers. We had calls from doctors of education offering their professional advice.

I was told of a negative letter-writing campaign started at the Westminster High School Tuesday night bingo game. I was told of a petition started against us. For what? Because of a violent act committed against my sons, we simply requested he attend a different school than that of his attackers, we get called racist and bigots. Racism has nothing to do with our transfer request.

I have much respect for the parents who wrote to The Times. I’m happy to see positive response in support of Westminster High School. But please, listen to my side of the story. I did not write the article. I sent a copy of the same letter of appeal that was presented to the Huntington Beach Union High School board, the press, anyone who would listen to our plight. I had to protect my son . . . that’s all. I wanted more school choice. I want more rights when it comes to my child’s education. Simple as that. We wanted a quiet, simple transfer. We have a doctor’s recommendation, we have counselors. People forgot that my sons were shot at; they only see an attack on Westminster High. That’s not what I wanted.


I never once stated that I wanted my son to attend an all-white school. That’s not how we teach our children or how we live ourselves. We are Jewish; we have had our share of racism. I’m not embarrassed for standing up for what I believe is right for my child. I’m proud. I knew we would receive some response from people who did not understand our issue. But people need to read the article again and see that it is not an attack on Westminster, or race; it is that we simply wanted a school transfer, and we have no rights. We believe there should be better ways to deal with problems such as ours.

SANDY FRANKEL, Westminster
