
One Day in the Life of San Diego’s Youth

<i> Recently, San Diego County and the county Office of Education issued a report on the status of children. The following summarizes the problems facing today's youth. In one day in San Diego County:</i>

* 10 women will give birth without prenatal care.

* 11 babies will be born with alcohol, cocaine, marijuana or crystal methamphetamine in their systems.

* 8 teen-agers will get pregnant.

* 173 children will be reported as abused or neglected.

* 17 children will be detained in the Hillcrest Receiving Home (county emergency shelter) because of abuse or neglect.

* 9 petitions will be filed for child abuse or neglect in Juvenile Court.

* 7,447 children will be dependents of the Juvenile Court.

* Welfare applications received will include 312 children.

* The welfare benefit will provide $7.70 a day to cover the cost of each child’s basic needs: housing, clothing, food and recreation.


* 7.5 children and youths will enter the mental health system.

* 36 additional students will enroll in San Diego County schools, and one new classroom will need to be built.

* 11 students will drop out of school.
