
Placement of Yorkin Story Raises Ire


So Peg Yorkin, the $10-million woman, has an IQ of 168. One can only puzzle over why she didn’t tap into this massive intellect before she trashed the feminist movement by making feminism seem synonymous with whining and self-pity.

One thing she did do brilliantly was (to) insult hard-working, successful people of both sexes. Since Olduvai Gorge, there have been eminent women in all generations, including those who came of age in the 1950s. They found a way to get ahead and make something of themselves despite the savage importunities of men, an achievement that escaped Peg despite her genius IQ.

Peg Yorkin is very angry. Why? Probably because the only reason anyone is interested in her is that she got (millions) out of Bud Yorkin. She claims she “earned every penny of it.” This is comical enough to those who must scrape by on six-figure incomes, but when one considers what many men and women do just to earn minimum wage, her statement is insensitive in the extreme.


“I could have been Bud Yorkin if I were a man.” Not only is this assertion pathetic, it is the ultimate insult to women. Bud Yorkin got rich and famous in show biz by being talented, driven, persistent, hard-working, brilliant and lucky.

Those are not gender-specific qualities. That’s the way Katharine Hepburn, Sherry Lansing, Susan Harris and thousands of other women did it, too.


