
Park Should Have Special Dog Hours

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Recently, the Redondo Beach Police Department has harassed me, yelled at me through their bullhorns, and threatened to issue me citations of huge fines. Am I a criminal or potentially dangerous/destructive individual? No. I am a professional woman residing in Redondo Beach with her two dogs.

After a long day at work, I enjoy taking my dogs to my local park (supported by my tax dollars) to walk, play Frisbee or ball, and unwind from a stressful day. I always pick up after my dogs and want my park kept clean and enjoyable for all to use. But alas, within minutes, one of our police officers will be bellowing at me to personally harass me to get my dogs out of the park. Understand, it is late at night when I get out to the park. No one is being bothered by me or my dogs, and having them there gives me a feeling of safety while I enjoy the quiet of the park. But apparently, it has become quite important to our officers to take the time and energy away from their more important work to throw all dogs and their owners out of Redondo Beach’s parks.

I am recommending special nightly dog hours for Redondo Beach parks; possibly three hours each night when dogs and their owners could utilize the parks without fear of police harassment. All owners must be responsible for picking up after their dogs and should be cited if not doing so. I am not willing to have my dogs and myself banned from my local park because of the messes left by stray dogs and irresponsible dog owners.


I prefer our police officers to spend their time fighting the growing crime rate and gang activity in our town instead of using tax dollars to hassle dog owners using the parks. I urge the mayor and City Council to allow special evening dog-use hours for Redondo Beach parks. It is a compromise solution that allows everyone to use the parks and keep them clean as well as may help re-establish respectful relationships between the Redondo Beach Police Department and Redondo Beach residents.


Redondo Beach
