
Rent-Control Measure for Trailer Parks OKd


The Malibu City Council has approved a tough rent-control ordinance sought by residents of the city’s two trailer parks. City Atty. Michael Jenkins warned council members that the law, which applies to about 500 units at the Paradise Cove and Point Dume trailer parks, was so severe that it would invite legal challenges.

The new law extends for 16 months a rent freeze put into effect when Malibu became a city. After 16 months, rents would be re-calculated by a formula tied to levels prevailing in 1984, chosen as the base year. If left unchallenged, that provision would lead to rent reductions for many residents of the Paradise Cove and Point Dume trailer parks.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Nov. 22, 1991 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday November 22, 1991 Home Edition Metro Part B Page 2 Metro Desk 2 inches; 49 words Type of Material: Correction
Rent control--The Times incorrectly reported Thursday that Malibu’s City Council had approved a rent-control ordinance affecting residents of the city’s two trailer parks. In fact, the council agreed on several key elements of the proposed law and directed its lawyers to prepare such an ordinance. A vote on the ordinance is expected on Dec. 3.

Lawyers for the trailer park owners declined to say after the vote whether they would try to overturn the law. Previously, however, park owners have said they will challenge any law that prevents them from earning a fair return.
