

Edited by Mary McNamara

In Los Angeles, there are more traffic schools than frozen-yogurt stands, and wackiness has become a prerequisite. To wit:

S-Mile N Giggle Funny Comedians--traffic school for the Mattel set.

Ticket Busters/Spanish Too--bilingual graft?

Less Stress 4U/Humor2/Snax/FunFilms--who needs driver’s education?

Pickwick Traffic Education--for the Dickensian among us.

Finally, A Gay Traffic School--don’t forget to bring ID; straights are bounced at the door.

Fred Kennedy Traffic Safety School--whew, for a moment, we thought it said Ted Kennedy.

Riteway Traffic School--spelling doesn’t count.

Hallelujah Driving and Traffic School--left turns on red are legal during the Rapture.

Free Pizza School/Good Food/Comedy--bring a date.
