
BIRTHDAY PARTY: In commemoration of its 50th...

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BIRTHDAY PARTY: In commemoration of its 50th birthday, the Long Beach Airport will hold an anniversary celebration with famous aviators and aircraft memorabilia at 12:45 p.m. today at the landmark airport terminal building.

LAS POSADAS: The re-enactment of the search for lodging by Mary and Joseph, will be celebrated on Olvera Street beginning Monday through Christmas Eve at 7:30 p.m. at the Avila Adobe Museum. Admission is free.

CHILDREN’S PARTY: Olvera Street will hold its first Children’s Christmas Party on Saturday, which will include free Christmas stockings, holiday cookies and Mexican hot chocolate; a live performance by Ballet Folklorico Tonantzin and other local performers, all followed by the Las Posadas and the pinata breaking.
