
City Offers $25,000 Rewards in Killings


The Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday approved rewards totaling $50,000 to help solve two multiple murders that occurred in the San Fernando Valley.

On a unanimous vote, the council offered a $25,000 reward to help solve the mystery of who killed four members of the Yoo family in their Granada Hills home last month. A relative of the Yoos earlier offered a $25,000 reward.

Last week, an Los Angeles Police Department investigator conceded during a news conference that the investigation of the Yoo family slayings had been stymied by a “void of clues.”


The lawmakers in a separate, unanimous vote also offered a $25,000 reward for information leading to the killers of Ismael Cervantes Sr., owner of a catering truck, his 13-year-old son and three catering truck employees. The elder Cervantes was a Sylmar resident. The others were from North Hollywood.

The bodies of the five were found Nov. 10, dumped in a remote area of the east San Fernando Valley, 12 blocks from where Cervantes’ abandoned catering truck had been found two days earlier. The hands of the victims were bound with tape. Four of the five died of gunshot wounds to the head and the fifth victim was bludgeoned and stabbed.
