
Cat Deaths


This letter is in response to your Nov. 22 article, “Are Coyotes or Demented People Responsible for Killing of Cats?” and is directed to the deputy sheriff who stated: “Hey, a lot of people just don’t like cats. In the Imperial Valley, it’s not uncommon to shoot cats in the fields. People take .22s out there and plink at them, and I’ve been one of them.”

When I was a child, I lived in a very abusive home. I was, however, allowed a pet, a cat named Talker who provided some comfort and companionship in my life. One day I came home from school to find Talker lying in the driveway. He was dead. He had tried to make his way home after being shot. My world was filled with violence and perversion, yet I couldn’t believe that someone could do this to my pet, my companion, my friend. The small amount of childhood optimism I had preserved was murdered that day along with Talker.

My comment to those who practice shooting cats (or any animal) is: You’re not just killing an animal, you may be shattering someone’s spirit. Pets often provide an individual’s only reliable companionship in an increasingly deteriorating and loveless society. I find it especially appalling that someone in a responsible position such as a deputy sheriff would behave in this thoughtless and uncompassionate manner.


