
Palmdale Woman Held in Newborn’s Death


A Palmdale woman was arrested Monday on suspicion of murder in connection with the death last year of her 1-day-old daughter, Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies said.

Stefanie Towels, 20, was being held without bail at the Antelope Valley sheriff’s station, Deputy John Ashley said.

Towels was admitted to Palmdale Hospital Medical Center in August with severe bleeding, Ashley said. Hospital officials notified deputies, who searched the woman’s home and “discovered the body of a 1-day-old female infant wrapped in plastic bags in the bedroom,” Ashley said.


Towels “claimed to be ignorant of the fact that she was pregnant at the time of the hemorrhage,” Ashley said.

According to a coroner’s report, the infant died of asphyxiation, Deputy Dist. Atty. Joseph Payne said.

Officials delayed filing charges until a toxicological report was completed, Ashley said. The report revealed the presence of methamphetamine in the baby’s system.

Towels is expected to be arraigned today in Antelope Municipal Court.
