
Killer Serial


Apple-wood Books, of Cambridge, was the publisher of the Peter Leroy story in its original, serial installments. Thefirst two of these slim paperbacks were issued simultaneously in December, 1982; more followed in 1983. The plan was to release a new serving every three months. Return cards were included in most copies offering prepaid subscriptions.

It was a wonderful, crackpot publishing scheme that seemed to fit the personalities of the books. But there were unsettling problems almost from the outset. The series’ supposedly uniform cover design was rejiggered three times in two years. The original, ambitious publication schedule was rarely met, and the intervals between volumes grew longer and longer. And then, after No. 7, “Take the Long Way Home,” the flow dried up altogether. “Call Me Larry” should have been the next installment, but none of the Peter Leroy subscribers ever received another scrap of paper from Apple-wood, not even a form letter of explanation.

Apple-wood owner and publisher Phil Zuckerman reports that a few copies of the eighth Peter Leroy story were printed but never distributed. (Kraft reports that Zuckerman once produced a carton of “perhaps 30” copies of “Call Me Larry” during a meeting with the author and his attorney. This is still the only known sighting.)


Kraft assumes that Apple-wood in this period was simply running out of money: “Like most small literary publishers, I suppose, they were working on a shoestring, stretched it too tight, and it snapped.” Zuckerman confirms that the company was facing bankruptcy and reorganization in 1984, which is not necessarily a lifelong disgrace in the low-rent book business. Kraft eventually bought back the rights to the series, and continues the story with his new publisher.

As for the fans of the original serial, however, justice may yet be served. Zuckerman says Apple-wood is now prepared to process claims from Peter Leroy subscribers who feel they were hornswoggled. Write early and often to: Phil Zuckerman, Apple-wood Books, P.O. Box 365, Bedford, Mass. 01730.

Tell him Dave sent you.
