
Notes about your surroundings.


Bird Walk and Breakfast--The Sea & Sage chapter of the National Audubon Society will host a bird walk and continental breakfast Saturday.

The walk is to help people become familiar with the surroundings near the chapter’s new location in the Irvine Marketplace shopping center. The office is on the northeastern section of the San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh, an excellent site for bird-watching.

Participants will meet at the Irvine Ranch Water District “Duck Club” building, which is off Campus Drive next to the San Diego Creek Channel.


Those interested in the trip are asked to call Kaaren Perry at (714) 497-0884 for reservations.

For information about the new location, contact the chapter office at (714) 543-7393.

More Audubon News--The Sea & Sage chapter reports there has been a large number of rare-bird sightings this winter here, making the county an attraction to bird-watchers throughout the state. Among the sightings are:

* A king eider, spotted near the Seal Beach Pier in mid-December and still present into January. It was only the third record in the county of this northern duck.

* A black oystercatcher, seen around the Crescent Bay area of Laguna Beach. It was the first recording south of Seal Beach of this bird in many years.

* Several species of flycatchers, rare winter visitors to the area. A gray flycatcher was seen at Westminster Memorial Park, a Western flycatcher at the UC Irvine campus, a dusky flycatcher along Veeh Creek in Laguna Hills and a dusky capped flycatcher in Fairhaven Memorial Park in Santa Ana.
