
Hard Times


I was absolutely appalled by your article, “3 Meals, 4 People, 10 Dollars.” Your staff sounded, by and large, pompous, condescending and out of touch with reality. What about Rose Dosti’s off-hand comment regarding the use of eggs “once in a while.” What about those of us for whom trying to plan a food budget is a day-in, day-out problem, not an exercise in “Let’s pretend we’re poor for a day?” As for the Ochoa-Gold Menu (titled “Strictly for Grown-Ups”), when was the last time they tried to get two kids to eat garlic soup, for heaven’s sake? Only Barbara Hansen seems to have any conception of the realities of kids, budgets and food. Come on, people, get real! Many of us out there are trying to survive and this kind of drivel is no help.

S.C. BERMAN, Los Angeles
