
A 2nd (and 3rd) Opinion About Ralphs Market


Aaron Betsky’s architecture column on Ralphs market (Times, Feb. 20) is a much-needed reminder of how poor architecture and urban design can denigrate an otherwise tasteful street--namely La Brea Avenue between Wilshire and Beverly boulevards. But it only scratches the surface in indicting Ralphs for its destructive effect on what was “one of the most beautifully scaled and planted streets in Los Angeles”--Sycamore Avenue, one block east.

Aesthetics are only one element of the problem. Ralphs has all but seized the unlimited parking side of Sycamore Avenue for its employees, creating a tremendous hardship for many residents who do not have off-street parking. Ralphs’ management has repeatedly said it wants to be a “good neighbor” and encourages its employees to park on the premises. They even concocted what I have to believe are erroneous statistics pointing to the “handful” of employees who might park on Sycamore.

This “handful” is not only a gross underestimate. But every Ralphs employee I’ve talked to during the past three months says candidly: “During the day, we’re not allowed to park in the Ralphs lot.”

What is the result of all of this? Not only a hideous market (as Mr. Betsky points out), but a gross insensitivity to the residents of Sycamore, and frequent parking tickets for many Sycamore residents forced to park on the two-hour side of the street.



Los Angeles
