
Fraternity’s Songbook

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As a law student at UCLA, I am disturbed by the official UCLA response to the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity songbook (March 5-6). The UCLA administration has expressed disgust at the songs, but apparently feels limited in its ability to say more or take any action out of respect for the fraternity members’ First Amendment rights. I certainly appreciate the importance of safeguarding freedom of expression. But what about the right of women students to be safe in their university environment? Does the administration see no connection between the toleration of such behavior and the increasing reports of date rape on campus?

These lyrics are not “mere” dirty limericks--they glorify, if not advocate, taking chain saws to women’s bodies. And what about women students’ right to an education free from sex discrimination, a right guaranteed by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1964? How can the education women receive at UCLA possibly be non-discriminatory when we must go about our classes and research knowing that these songs are being written, distributed and sung while the administration takes no concrete action to stop it?

UCLA is an excellent and strong institution. I am proud of my university. But if the administration fails to take action against Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, the administration will tarnish UCLA’s reputation and compromise its promise to deliver an equal education to all of its students.



Los Angeles
