
Pico Rivera City Council


Pico Rivera population: 59,177

Election: April 14

On the ballot: Six candidates for two at-large seats


Garth G. Gardner

Age: 69

Occupation: Real estate appraiser

Remarks: “I’ve been on the board 20 years. . . . I’m proud of the upward movement the city has taken in its image . . . proud of the development of the city, the parks and Whittier Boulevard.” He said that there are no controversial issues, but that he would like to see a program encouraging residents to videotape and photograph graffiti taggers. “The biggest issue that I am concerned with is trying to maintain a program of building up this city. We are currently expanding Rivera Park, and if the park bond issue passes, we will add a new building with a gymnasium at Pico Park and (improve) other parks in the city.”


Beatrice Proo

Age: 53

Occupation: Chairman of board of Pacific Western National Bank

Remarks: “I have a high degree of experience in many fields. . . . I’ve worked in the banking business, the Chamber of Commerce, ran a trucking firm and was a former teacher and principal in a private school district in Oakland. . . . My issue is youth. I’d like to see how we can develop our youth. . . . When I was on the Chamber of Commerce, my motto was: One city, one goal. And that will be my motto on the City Council. . . . Redevelopment is being made an issue, but it is not an issue on the table right now. It was voted down. If it does become an issue again, I would like to see what people think about it before a policy is brought about.”

Frank Anthony Millan

Age: 56

Occupation: Union representative for sheet metal workers

Remarks: “I’m concerned with the type of business that’s being drawn to this area. We’re the fast-food capital right now. The redevelopment project on Whittier Boulevard is a disaster. . . . We have council members who have been on the board too long and have lost touch with the community. We should have term limits, district the city so that the council will represent certain parts of the city, have the mayor run at-large . . . all of which will offer built-in accountability.” He said experience as a school board member has prepared him for the council. He supports a moratorium on expanding redevelopment zones pending further study.


E.A. (Pete) Ramirez

Age: 53

Occupation: Police sergeant

Remarks: “Redevelopment isn’t a bad idea. It’s the way the city tried to do it, without community approval or any communication, that was bad. . . . I have an open-door policy. . . . It is important for elected officials to listen to their constituency to know what’s going on. . . . When we lose touch with the constituency, then we become ineffective. . . . I’m very interested in crime, particularly in gang violence, and I have the knowledge to bring in programs that are needed. I’ve been a police officer for 25 years, lived in the city 28 years.” He also stressed his experience as a local school board member for 16 years.

Nancy C. Smith

Age: 47

Occupation: Construction business owner

Remarks: “I own a home and a business in Pico Rivera, and I have the time, commitment and willingness” to be a council member. “I’m not sure that everyone completely understands the redevelopment issue. The city needs to redevelop so that it can expand and change, and I’m for there being more businesses” to boost the economy and reduce unemployment. She said she also wants to cut the red tape involved when citizens deal with city staff and wants to reduce gang activity. “The only way to deal with (gang activity) effectively is to get parents to be informed and involved with their children.”

Ofelia (Roddie) Rodriguez

Age: 56

Occupation: Upholstery business owner

Remarks: “The big issue is redevelopment . . . which will affect close to 104,000 acres and 7,000 people. This redevelopment and rezoning has been going on for the past 29 years, and it has to stop. My main purpose is to save homes from redevelopment and from developers. . . . I won’t accept contributions from developers or other industries that are endangering the health of our citizens. . . . The community has been misrepresented for the past 30 years by the City Council, and now it’s time for a change.” She said her goals also include reviving the local economy by helping the city’s small-business owners and fighting the gang problem.
